Mt Arthur Region - Kahurangi National Park

View from above the Mt Arthur hut
View from above the Mt Arthur hut
The challenge
The challenge
They lied!!
They lied!!
Made it!
Made it!
Alpine Buttercup - Ranunculus
Alpine Buttercup - Ranunculus
Doug & Dee loaded up for Friday summit
Doug & Dee loaded up for Friday summit
Resident photographer
Resident photographer
Dawn at Mt Arthur Hut
Dawn at Mt Arthur Hut
Dee & Alex
Dee & Alex
Lunch bunch
Lunch bunch
From the summit
From the summit
Happily heading down
Happily heading down

Well our large group of Social Climbers day in the Kahurangi National Park Mount Arthur area experienced a mixed bag of activities and weather! Maybe John’s suggestion to move to the Friday would have afforded better views than Thursday! Thank you John for great organisation for the day.

There were several approaches to the Mountain.

  • Two groups overnighted in the Mt Arthur Hut on Wednesday and Thursday nights and “summited” on Thursday in good weather. Allan K, Peter and Anne Holst had beautifully clear skies to the West out to the Tasman sea, but very cloudy to the East. The other group (Alex, Dee & Doug had beautiful weather and views on Friday
  • The main group led by John Mck, walked up to the Mt Arthur Hut in pleasant conditions, but with no views and low cloud/misty conditions.
  • The final group of six were led by the Hardie-Boys through to Grid Iron Shelter and back

The first 3 “summiteers” met up with a large group lunching at the hut and we all walked down together with some good flora expertise/advice from Rebecca (who knew we had two native cedars, [Kawaka or lowland cedar (Libocedrus plumosa) and Kaikawaka, pāhautea or mountain cedar (Libocedrus bidwillii) ] The Dracophyllum traversii (Mountain neinei) was also abundant. Bill Page a long-time friend and trapper for the “Friends of the Flora” provided knowledgeable commentary on the resident birdlife and flora as well.

We are blessed in this club to have members with a mine of amazing experience and knowledge about our wonderful wilderness and our special flora and fauna.

The Mount Arthur region was a perfect finale for the year and we all had a great day and a good walk. Some of us are pleased we didn’t wait another 10 years before attempting the summit! Looking forward to planning another full calendar of interesting and challenging Social Climber's walks in the new year!